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Re: Agent Orange

From: Francis Hamit
Date: 7/2/2002
Time: 12:07:13 AM
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Guys, I've just read all the previous posts on this topic. I've been on the Agent Orange Registry at the VA since 1984. There are now ten diseases on the list which qualify you for compensation, the latest being Diabettes Two. I don't have it yet, but my VA doctor says I will; that we all will, starting about age 65 +-5 years. Now if you were at Can Tho 68 or after you were definitely exposed. The airfiled commander (sme one almost shot by one of our MP's for sticking his noce in where it didn't belong) was trying to get promoted. Way I head it, he's already been passed over twice and the third time was goodbye to his career. He was an LTC with a funny name. He wanted a STRAC looking base to impress the brass, heard about this dandy weed-killed that the Mohawk unit was spraying on the jungle and borrowed some...and sprayed the whole base. If you were there at the time you know this worked a treat. 13th Avn had this Kentucy blue grass lawn out front of their HQ...turf flown in from the states by some transport pilot buddy. It died. They replaced it. It died again. and a thid time, after which they said the hell with it and went to raked sand. Now, I never blemaed this man for my exposure to Agent Orange and neither should you. The word down the chain of command at the time was that this stuff was not harmful to the troops. I have to beleive that if he had known, he never would have done such a damn fool thing, but all of the brass accepted what the chemeical companies told them. Some of the declassified documents can be found on line and they make for interesting reading. Anyway, if you were at Can Tho from that time on you were exposed and you need to get over to the VA and get on the list.

Last changed: July 02, 2002